PoserPython is composed of:

For Daz Studio we also recommend Pontari Productions Prpc plugin, which is not available with this package and has to be downloaded separately on Pontari's website. See weblinks at the bottom of this page.
PoserPython is a P3dO Poser plugin.PoserPython can load and save Poser files directly from P3dO without the need of Poser Library Palette.
- Open file: you can directly open one file into Poser, even with files that are not in Poser runtimes.
- Open file from ZIP: (pro) in the same way as above, Poses, Hands, Faces, Lights and Cameras may be opened in Poser directly from a ZIP file.
- Open partial Pose: (pro) same as the above except
you may select a subset of actors and other options.
Read more
- Save file: you can also save Poser files, even to locations that are not in Poser runtimes.
- Run script: you can also able to run Python scripts in Poser. The Poser Python Scripts Palette is duplicated in P3dO, and PoserPython has a convenient Run Python Script command that can be used to pick a script elsewhere.
PoserPython will add the following menus items to your P3dO File menu and InDepth toolbar:
Open as a Poser Library Preset
Open one or severall Poser file(s) directly into Poser. PoserPython filters Poser only files
for this command.
Note that the plugin has the ability to resolve windows shortcuts, thus you can also send links
to Poser files instead of the file itself.
(pro) The plugin may also open Poses, Hands, Faces, Lights and Cameras
from ZIP files. That is standalone parameter files, as opposed to Mesh files (Figures
and Props) which may not be oppened from ZIPs because they are compound files.
For the same reason MAT Poses or INJ will only work if the related textures or morphs have been
previously unzipped to a Poser Runtime.
Open Partial Pose (pro)
Select a subset of actors before opening into Poser. Open partial Pose is only valid for Poses
and MAT files.
Read » more
Note that it also works with Zipped Poses.
Save to Poser Library Allow to save selected
content (Camera, Face, Figure,...) from currently opened Poser scene and to save it in a chosen
folder (defaulting to P3dO's currently selected folder).
And to P3dO's Tools menu:
Python Scripts
Duplicates the Poser Python Scripts Palette and also offers a convenient Run Python Script command
that can be used to pick a script elsewhere.
Although launched from P3dO the Python scripts apply in Poser, as if they were ran in Poser.

See How to Use with Prpc below for Prpc installation and further details.
Note that this option is only for Poser, Daz Studio openings are still done with Prpc. See Prpc for Daz Studio below.

. It is not recommended to set the option with other versions of Poser.
. It is not recommended to set the option with Windows Vista and above.
Setting the option will do nothing if you are using Prpc.

The Port in Prpc (PoserPythonPrpc.py line #194) should be the same value. You must edit Prpc script if you modify this value.
It is not recommended to modify the Port. The only reason why you should do this is when some Windows Services is using Port 49160, preventing Prpc to connect to Poser. In that case connection is established with the other application/service (there is no visible error) and the call never reaches Poser.
- Needles to say you also need Poser Python engine. Poser Python engine is included with latest Poser release, starting from Poser Pro Pack (i.e Poser 4 doesn't have a Python engine).
With Prpc | Without |
(-) Copy PoserPythonPrpc.py into Poser scripts directory (optional) | (+) no setup |
(-) Run PoserPythonPrpc.py in Poser before Opening from P3dO | (+) PoserPython opens automatically in Poser |
(-) PoserPythonPrpc.py is showing permanently over Poser | (+) PoserPython.py script close itself at the end of load process. No window is showing, except a flashing one when the script starts. |
(+) PoserPythonPrpc.py has client script extensions | (-) PoserPython.py only purpose is to open/save files, you may still run external scripts but without any control from PoserPython |
(-) Prpc communicates with PoserPython through network interface. This has some limited security risks (read the security note below). | (+) PoserPython.py isn't using the network to communicate with PoserPython. |
If you are not using Prpc daemon you do not have to read further
Unless you are using Daz Studio :)
- Prpc for Poser by Tromnek which is now obsolete as said above.
- Pontari Productions Prpc plugin for Daz Studio which I highly recommend
Since it is a Daz Studio plugin, Daz Studio will deal with it and you don't have anything to do except installing it.
PoserPython deals with both Poser and Daz Studio, the above parameter "Use with Poser Remote Procedure Call daemon" is only taken into account for Poser usage. PoserPython will always treat Daz Studio openings as Prpc calls.
Prpc or Poser Remote Procedure Call is a python script which offers more features than
PoserPython own script (PoserPython.py).
See "Credits and Links" below to visit Prpc web page and have more details.
Setting up Prpc
See "Prpc Setup & Prerequisite" below for where to copy scripts.
The main thing is: the Use with Poser Remote Procedure Call daemon option must be checked
in P3dO's Options dialog (Plugins tab).
Calling Prpc from PoserPython
- From Poser : Activate listener script (PoserPythonPrpc.py) by runing the script from Poser Python
scripts menu or Poser Python palette (Files | Run Python Script).
- From P3dO : same commands as described in "Menu & Toolbar" above.
Note that P3dO "Stay on top" function (see P3dO Help file) is well suited to PoserPython use, since it gives P3dO the ability to permanently stay on top of Poser.
The Prpc script for PoserPython is:
- PoserPythonPrpc.py : listener script. It is the Poser library loader script with support for running python scripts.
- PoserPythonPrpcEx.py : is installed for backward compatibility only, ignore this one.
You may use any other Prpc script instead of PoserPythonPrpc.py.
Location in P3dO
Setup is automatic and copies all components in P3dO's plugins folder.
In this folder you will find the Prpc scripts PoserPythonPrpc.py in its default installation.
Copy to Poser
The default P3dO Plugins directory is not convenient to run the script in Poser (you have to Run
the script in Poser before using it, see "How to Use" above).
So it is more convenient to copy it in a Poser Python scripts directory.
Best location being your Poser scripts folder as shown below (you have to copy manually):
warning: in Poser 7 and above the script has to be copied under: poserScripts/ScriptsMenu.
PoserPythonPrpc.py to PoserPythonPrpc###Ctrl+Alt+P.py. Then striking Ctrl Alt P will run the script in Poser.
Alternatively you may edit "mainButtons.py" so that PoserPython appears in your Python palette (from Poser:Window | Python Scripts).
Add the following to an empty slot (PoserPythonPrpc.py is supposed to be in the above folder, 8 is the index of the slot):
poser.DefineScriptButton(8, ":Runtime:Python:PoserScripts:PoserPythonPrpc.py", "Poser Python")
important: Please read the security note below
Only one of the listener scripts is run in Poser at any given time.
PoserPythonPrpc interface:
![]() |

Python script execution has inherent security risks.
The listener script opens a tcp/ip socket on the loopback (lo) network interface.
Then it listens for a connection that will deliver a file name to be loaded.
It will only accept a connection from the loopback interface so it is pretty
safe from attacks that may come from the internet or your local network.
However, if a virus or trojan infects your computer, it could send data over
your local loopback interface to this script.
If the listener script supports the execution of other python scripts
a virus or trojan that targets this feature can present a security risk.
- When closing a scene with the Poser "Close" command (File menu | Close), Poser
tries to close all running python scripts. This will cause Poser to hang until
you manually exit the python script.
Since Poser will prompt you for saving your changes you don't need to close a scene before opening a new one. So a workaround for this problem is to use the "New" (File menu | New) or "Open" (File menu | Open) commands to switch to another scene. Another solution is to close PoserPythonPrpc.py before closing your Poser scene. - Since P3dO/Poser communication is done through your computer's network interface,
that connection may be blocked by your firewall.
2 solutions : enable P3dO on your firewall, use P3dO/Poser offline. The best being using them offline. - Poser 7 limits the number of Python process to just one. Thus when Prpc is running you can execute any other script. By using scripts from P3dO's Tools | Python Scripts menu you can bypass this limit because the script will actually run within Prpc process.
PoserPython plugin by Seno Software, see main help file copyright for detailed copyright notice.
Poser Remote Procedure Call for Poser
by Kenneth R. Mort. Python scripts and PoserPythonSender.exe are copyrighted by
Kenneth R. Mort which owns all credits for these.
You can contact TromNek through the Renderosity forum (TromNek at http://www.renderosity.com/members.ez)
Poser Remote Procedure Call has a web page where you can find more information, download
latest version of the script (*) and get Prpc extensions:
Prpc home page
(*) PoserPythonPrpc.py is just a slightly modified prpcd.py script, you may use
any newer version of the latter with PoserPython.
Pontari Productions Prpc plugin for Daz Studio by Pontari Productions
You must use that plugin to open files into Daz Studio from P3dO:
Available here:
Prpc for Daz Studio